Welcome to your 7th day with BWTC! Take a moment to reflect on all of the many topics you have covered so far. Let's keep that momentum up and dive right into today's topics!

iPhones, Android, Tablets... oh my!

Have you ever been working on a mobile app and wished you had a specific device to test your app on?  Have you ever needed to test your website's responsive design on an odd screen size?  So have we!  BWTC has a locker with a variety of phones and tablets which our developers can check out and use for development or testing.

If you need to checkout a device, reach out to our QA Department at [email protected].


Basecamp is our client-facing project management tool.  It's easy to use, allows the client to communicate and make requests all in one spot, and keeps everyone on the same page.

It's important to note that in a normal scenario our project managers as well as developers are on Basecamp, so that everyone is able to participate in communication.  This also means that the client has direct access to developers.  In almost all cases, the Project Manager should be the main point of contact on a project, and should ensure that clients don't abuse making direct requests from the developers.

Your manager will add you to Basecamp for your projects.

Project Boilerplates

At BWTC we have created project boilerplates to accelerate development and demonstrate our standards and practices. A boilerplate is a pre-built application which can be used as a quick starting point and foundation for building a new application. The boilerplate defines things like project structure, linting configuration, code standards, and development workflows. With these in place, you can quickly jump into developing the features of your new application without needing to spend hours building out the common foundations required for software development. The BWTC boilerplates include scaffolding for unit testing, CI/CD implementation and Terraform automated deployments to AWS. You can learn more about the boilerplates in our New Project Starter Guide.

Currently, we have developed boilerplates for NodeJS servers React and Angular web clients. In the future, we will expand our boilerplates to also include .NET and Django. Below you can see some of the stacks and technologies we use regularly.

Day 7 Checklist

Learn More About Bitwise Industries


Did you know that Bitwise is expanding into new markets?  Currently, expansion efforts are in the works for Bakersfield, Merced, and Oakland, CA!  Bring any questions you might have to your manager about these new locations!